Every year, over 500,000 men in the United States choose to get a vasectomy. There is no more effective form of birth control than vasectomy. And most men qualify for a no-scalpel procedure that requires no hospitalization, no anesthesia, and minimal time off work that your urologist can complete in just 20 minutes.
Purely Vasectomies make vasectomies easy, efficient, and comfortable. We are a veteran-owned business serving men from around Arizona and beyond. We want you to make an informed decision about your vasectomy, so in this blog, we will cover the basic information every patient needs to know.
What Is a Vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a medical procedure that interrupts the flow of sperm through the vas deferens, the narrow tube that connects the testes to the prostate to allow sperm to flow into semen.
Once the vas deferens is clipped, sperm no longer flows away from the testes. The procedure does not affect semen production, however, so the man continues to ejaculate as before.
The testes continue to produce sperm after a vasectomy. They swim up to the site of the incision and die.
Can a Vasectomy Be Reversed?
Understanding Your OptionsOne of the most common questions men ask before undergoing a vasectomy is whether the procedure can be reversed. While vasectomy reversal is possible, it is a much more complex and costly surgery than the initial vasectomy procedure.
The reversal procedure, known as vasovasostomy, involves reconnecting the severed vas deferens to allow sperm to flow again. In some cases, a more intricate procedure called a vasoepididymostomy may be necessary if there is a blockage preventing sperm from reaching the vas deferens.
Success rates for vasectomy reversal depend on several factors, including the time elapsed since the original vasectomy, the method used during the initial procedure, and overall reproductive health.
Generally, reversals performed within 10 years of the vasectomy have a higher success rate, but even then, there is no guarantee of restored fertility. However, men should approach vasectomy as a permanent birth control solution and not rely on the possibility of reversal.
If there is any uncertainty about future family planning, sperm banking before the procedure may be an option worth considering, providing a backup plan for those who may want biological children later in life.
Vasectomy Is a Way to Say “I Love You”
It is a lot easier for a man to get a vasectomy to prevent the release of sperm than it is for a woman to get a tubal ligation (“having their tubes tied”) to prevent the release of eggs.
Vasectomies can be performed at the urologist’s office with just local anesthetic. Tubal ligations require hospitalization and are performed under general anesthesia.
Confirming that a vasectomy was successful just requires coming in for a check of a semen sample a few weeks after the procedure. Confirmation that tubal ligation was successful requires an invasive procedure called a hysterosalpingogram. This procedure involves injecting a dye into the bloodstream, opening the cervix with a speculum, running a catheter through the uterus to the site of the incision, and taking x-rays after confirming the woman is not pregnant.
Both procedures are very reliable, but they are not absolutely perfect birth control forms. One in two men out of a thousand are still fertile after a vasectomy. About 20 women in a thousand will be after a tubal ligation.
Vasectomy is more reliable than the Pill, an IUD, or condoms. It is easier to prepare a man for an uninhibited sex life with his female partner than it is to operate on the woman.
How to Prepare for a Vasectomy: What to Expect Before the Procedure
Preparation is key to ensuring a smooth vasectomy experience. Your urologist will provide specific instructions, but here are some general guidelines to follow:
- Follow Pre-Procedure Instructions: Your doctor may advise you to avoid certain medications, such as blood thinners, before the procedure to reduce the risk of bleeding.
- Schedule Time Off: While vasectomy is a quick procedure, you will need at least one to two days of rest afterward. If your job requires heavy lifting or physical labor, plan for additional recovery time.
- Shave the Area: Your doctor may advise you to shave the scrotal area before the procedure to reduce the risk of infection.
- Wear Supportive Underwear: Snug-fitting briefs or a jockstrap can help support the scrotum and reduce swelling after the procedure.
- Arrange for Transportation: The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, but you may feel some discomfort afterward. Having someone drive you home is often recommended.
How Can My Urologist Do a Vasectomy Without Cutting Through the Skin?
The no-cut method of doing a vasectomy has been around since the 1990s. It’s done through a tiny hole poked through the skin surrounding the scrotal sac.
The skin on the scrotum is very thin. Once the doctor pokes a tiny hole in the skin, another instrument is inserted to make it wider. There is no actual cut in the skin. There is very little bleeding.
The doctor reaches through the hole to bring the vas deferens to the surface. It’s cauterized to prevent further flow of sperm, and the connective tissue between the testes and the prostate is pulled over the new end of the vas deferens.
No stitches are required. The hole closes on its own after the surgeon drops the vas deferens back through the skin.
Recovery from No-Scalpel Vasectomy Is Easy
Since about a third of men have vasectomies at some point, many remember their fathers having the old-style procedure. The man had to lie on the couch for a few days, spending the whole time in pain.
This procedure isn’t your father’s vasectomy.
You may need a day or two with minimal movement. You may need two or three days off work if your job involves physical labor. It can take 72 hours for the swelling to go down.
But you will be past the most painful part of getting a vasectomy: getting shots of local anesthetic in your scrotum.
Most men can have sex again in about seven to 10 days—but don’t have sex yet without birth control.
Make sure you go to your follow-up appointment with your urologist to check a semen sample to ensure you do not need to use contraception to prevent pregnancy. Men may still be ejaculating normal sperm for the next 10 to 20 ejaculations after a vasectomy. We advise most of our patients to wait a full 90 days and to have a negative semen sample before having sex without taking steps not to get their partner pregnant.
Common Myths About Vasectomies: Separating Fact from Fiction
There are many misconceptions about vasectomy that may deter men from considering this safe and effective procedure. Let’s address some common myths:
Myth: Vasectomy affects sexual performance.
Fact: A vasectomy does not impact testosterone levels, libido, or erectile function. Most men report the same or even improved sexual satisfaction after the procedure. In fact, some find intimacy more enjoyable without the stress of an unplanned pregnancy.
Myth: Vasectomy increases the risk of prostate cancer.
Fact: Extensive research has found no significant link between vasectomy and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Major health organizations, including the American Urological Association, confirm that a vasectomy is a safe and reliable birth control method.
Myth: The procedure is extremely painful.
Fact: Most men experience only mild discomfort during and after the procedure, similar to a small pinch from the anesthetic injection. The entire procedure is quick, typically lasting 20–30 minutes, and recovery is manageable with rest and ice packs.
Myth: You are immediately sterile after a vasectomy.
Fact: It takes several weeks and multiple ejaculations to clear out remaining sperm. A follow-up semen analysis is necessary to confirm sterility, so alternative contraception should be used until clearance is confirmed.
Frequently Asked Questions About Vasectomies at Purely Vasectomies
Here are some common questions our patients ask.
Q. Can every man have the no-scalpel, no-needle procedure?
A. Sometimes, men have hydrocele, the buildup of fluid in the scrotal sac. For them, an open incision may be necessary.
Q. What is your most important advice for a man thinking about having a vasectomy?
A. Make sure you do not intend to have any more children. Vasectomies usually can be reversed, but the reversal is a more complicated procedure.
Q. Will a vasectomy change my sexual abilities?
A. Men perform just as well after vasectomy as before. And because the risk of pregnancy is no longer a concern, most men have stronger libidos after having the procedure.
Q. Does having a vasectomy increase my risk of developing prostate cancer?
A. No. There have been no fewer than 37 studies involving 16 million men to test the relationship between vasectomy and prostate cancer. A recent study found a 2 to 3% greater risk of non-cancerous tumors after vasectomy but no enhanced risk of invasive or lethal prostate cancer.
Ask the men who practice surgery at Purely Vasectomies if they would be willing to have the procedure.
Want to know more? Call us at (844) 667-7376 or email your questions to info@purelyvasctomies.com. The offices of Purely Vasectomies are located at 14231 N 7th St., Suite 3A, Phoenix, AZ 85022.