The best time for a vasectomy is when you are sure that you don’t want to have more kids! All jokes aside, there are certain times of year or even certain times of your life that may be better than others. In this article, we will chat about everything you need to consider when scheduling your vasectomy.
Factors to Consider When Timing a Vasectomy
After a vasectomy, you need about 24-48 hours of rest. During this time, you should be able to sit or lie down with an ice pack on and off your scrotum. Based on this alone, you should choose a time that allows you to do this. A weekend off of work, a weekend with the kids at the grandparents, etc.
You will need to take it easy and avoid strenuous activity for about 10 days following the procedure. Think about the things in your life that you wouldn’t be able to do during that recovery period and make sure it is a good time for an adequate break. If you have a job that is more strenuous, you will need to be able to take some time off of work to recover. If you are training for a marathon and have a rigorous schedule, you may need to wait until after.
Aside from the holidays, the time of year may actually impact whether or not you want your vasectomy. Maybe you’re super active in the summer–spending weekends at your lakehouse or hiking all of the national parks. That would be a terrible time to have to avoid large bodies of water or strenuous activity. Alternatively, maybe you schedule a bunch of ski and snowboarding trips in the winter that you wouldn’t want to skip.
Popular Times of Year for Vasectomies
To create an informative and engaging blog post that answers the question of when is the best time of year to get a vasectomy. The article should consider factors such as recovery time, personal schedules, lifestyle considerations, and seasonal impacts. The aim is to help readers make an informed decision while subtly promoting the benefits of vasectomy and showcasing as an expert resource on the subject.
800 WordsInterestingly enough, one of the most popular times of year for vasectomies is March. The reason is college basketball and March Madness. A lot of guys like to choose a weekend that is busy in sports so that they have something to keep them entertained while resting on the couch all weekend! In the same vein, superbowl weekend or playoffs for various sports you may be interested in would be a great time-frame for a vasectomy.
Holidays are another good time for vasectomies. Holidays that lead to 3-day weekends such as Memorial Day, Labor Day, July 4th tend to be preferred vasectomy times. This is potentially one less day off of work that needs to be taken.
Expert Tips for Planning Your Vasectomy
Truth be told, when you have your vasectomy is going to be individual to you. Obviously you want to get it done in a timely manner to get to experience all of the good things about it–more spontaneous and fun sex knowing you can’t start a pregnancy! But the best thing to do is think about what is best for you and your family. Look at your family calendar and see what events you have coming up that either you want to avoid being down for OR that would make it the perfect time to lounge around with an ice pack on your sac! Enjoy watching sports? Guarantee yourself a weekend on the couch doing just that. Have a busy holiday season? Wait until after it’s over. The perfect time for a vasectomy truly varies person to person.
It is well established that spikes in vasectomies happen around March Madness and those guys may be onto something. A weekend being a couch potato with all of the basketball they could ever want to be on TV during that time. They’re definitely onto something– if you can’t be out doing fun things that are maybe more active, you will at the very least want to be entertained. You may also want to choose a frame of time that it might be convenient to take off of work if you have a more strenuous job or plan around a major life event or active trip. Regardless of the time frame you choose, just make sure you have the time to allow your body to rest and recover after the procedure, whenever that may be. Purely Vasectomies will be there with you every step of the way throughout this journey.